Data collection

Data acquisition, data imports and data integration.

Data collection

Every cemetery is unique. Therefore, the appropriate method for data collection must be selected for each project. With over 3 million processed graves, PBSGEO GmbH has excellent expertise in the implementation of cemetery recording projects. We use a wide variety of recording methods and can offer a suitable solution for every planned recording project. It all starts with one central question: What is the data needed for? The higher the accuracy of the recording method, the higher the costs.

Customer Benefits

3 Million graves registered.

Methodological expertise: we know which method is the right one for your data acquisition project. .

Turnkey Cemetery Digitization: we offer complete cemetery digitization from a single source: data collection, software, training.

Experience from over 200 different data acquisition projects.

Efficiency: we work quickly, pragmatically and cost-effectively.

Interfaces: we provide standardized interfaces to all relevant applications (cemetery programs, GIS, CAD systems, etc.)

The various recording methods are compared in terms of cost and accuracy in the figure on the right.

Digitization from orthophotos is the most cost-effective way of recording data at the cemetery. During digitization, graves, pathways and green areas are captured from the aerial photograph without terrain heights and plotted in a GIS or CAD plan. Digitization from orthophotos is very suitable for creating occupancy plans and for drawing up area balances. If you do not have cemetery occupancy plans, it is also possible for us to inspect your cemeteries for you. During an inspection, we will walk through the cemeteries and record the death data on site.

Total station surveying is often used for projects that require a high degree of accuracy. Each survey point is located and measured on site, which can result in high costs if there are a large number of survey points. Dense tree cover makes total station surveying more difficult, but accurate measurement results can still be achieved. The total station survey is particularly suitable for punctual and linear construction measures in the cemetery, such as the construction of a staircase or the replanning of cemetery paths. The overall survey of a small cemetery using a total station also makes sense if there is a low point density.

Laser scanning uses a rotating laser beam to scan the surroundings and create a digital, three-dimensional image of reality. This method can also achieve high levels of accuracy. In cemeteries, laser scanning is particularly important when collecting data for new cemetery designs, as this requires a complete survey of the planning or viewing area. All cemetery areas and the existing infrastructure are measured in the correct position and height.

Drone surveying involves flying over the survey area. The drone determines its own position using high-precision GNSS sensors while an aerial image is taken. This method is used in particular for surveying large areas, for example in open-cast mining. Drone surveying reaches its limits in areas with dense tree cover and ground vegetation. In these areas, it is not possible to survey the entire area. Drone surveys are also very well suited as a basis for new cemetery designs, as large areas with a high point density can be surveyed quickly. Drone surveys often also serve as the basis for occupancy plans and area balances. This is particularly the case when the orthophotos from the state surveying offices are available in low ground resolution.

It is also possible to combine surveying methods and thus compensate for the disadvantages of one surveying method with another. Depending on the project requirements and the local conditions, we will help you to select the most suitable of the above-mentioned methods for cemetery surveying. In many cases, cemetery administrations already have digital data available that can be migrated into our applications. As a result, considerable savings can usually be achieved compared to a complete new entry. Of course, it is also possible to rework the data manually and bring it back up to date.

We would be happy to advise you on your planned data capture project!