Here you can find all reports about us


II Cologne Symposium of the Digital Cemetery 2024

Our second Cologne Symposium took place at the beginning of October 2024.

The Cologne Symposium is much more than a simple conference – it is a forum in which cemetery administrations deal intensively with the future topic of “digitization”. Digitization does not stop at cemeteries. There is no way around modernizing the administrative processes at cemeteries. Digitalization is increasingly becoming a prerequisite for efficient, sustainable and future-proof processes. This is precisely where the Cologne symposium comes in.

PBSGEO at the FIAT IFTA 2024 in Krakow

Not only did we have a stand at the fair, we also gave an interesting presentation. Stefan Schumacher spoke about “Cemeteries with AI – how cultural heritage and collective memory are preserved through digital innovation”.

Our time at the trade fair was characterized by valuable conversations, new contacts and inspiring insights into the future of the industry.

PBSGEO Cemetery App: Orientation at the cemetery made easy

Imagine visiting a big city like Cologne, Germany, and needing a map to find your way around. The same goes for visiting one of the world’s largest cemeteries and looking for a specific grave. The solution? A map – but digital this time!

Pitch by Stefan Schumacher in Buenos Aires

Pitch from our CEO Stefan Schumacher in Buenos Aires about

Pitch by Stefan Schumacher in Sao Paulo

Pitch from our CEO Stefan Schumacher in Sao Paolo about the cemetery plan on the Internet

An explanatory video about

Interview with our CEO at Funermostra

Our CEO, Stefan Schumacher, was interviewed by Roberto Durán (El Funerario Digital) at the Funermostra in Valencia.

Honored with the HIPE AWARD 2023

For our exceptional achievements in the areas of quality, performance, service and effectiveness, we were honored with the HIPE Award in 2023.

Cologne symposium of the digital cemetery

The Cologne Symposium of the Digital Cemetery took place from October 12 to 13, 2023. With over 120 participants from public, church and private cemetery administrations, the event was fully booked.

Navigation system for the cemetery Digital map in Eckenhaid

Frankenfernsehen reported on the digital cemetery map in Eckenhaid on 30.03.2022.

Presentation of the Urbanana Award 2020

Presentation of the Urbana Award to PBSGEO for the project taphophilia / Laudatory speech by Dr. Jürgen Amann., the digital grave finder for the Hanseatic town of Wipperfürth

A WDR report about, the digital grave finder of the Hanseatic city of Wipperfürth.

Report on the cemetery navigation system in Markt Eckental

Bayern 1 reported on the digital cemetery map in Markt Eckental.

Cemetery Navi (cemetery map on the Internet)

BR reports on the digital cemetery map in Erlangen.


Provokant Pink

“The digital cemetery map: A chance to experience history anew.”

Stefan Schumacher was a guest on the podcast “Provokant Rosarot”. He talks to Dorothee Töreki about the benefits of the digital cemetery and the new ways of mourning and remembering. Find out more about the new ways of digitalization and listen to the podcast.


“The cemetery is going to be digital’”

In January 2023, we were part of the podcast “TODTAL DIGITAL”, a podcast by the Stiftung Deutsche Bestattungskultur. You can find the podcast on Spotify.